Auckland Pride
Auckland Pride
Auckland Pride
Auckland Pride
Auckland Pride Calls on Government to Increase Support for the Arts in Response to New Alert Level Two Guidelines
While Auckland Pride is encouraged by the Government continuing to follow health advice to keep our communities safe, today’s announcement of updated guidelines for Alert Level Two has substantial implications for the live events sector.

While proportionate for stamping out Delta, reducing gathering limits to 50 people means that most live events are no longer financially viable at Alert Level Two. This has significant implications for the performing arts and events sector that continues to be deeply affected by COVID-19. While the sector has previously adapted to Alert Level Two restrictions to proceed with shows, once performers and crew are accounted for, this new limit is significantly more restrictive. The new gathering restrictions make it harder for artists, producers, and venues to plan in an uncertain environment and go ahead with their events.
In response, Auckland Pride are calling on the Government to provide specific funding for Creative NZ to complement existing financial support, and to fill the gaps in resourcing the creative industries at Alert Level Two. Support for artists, producers, technical teams, and everyone behind the scenes is critical to ensuring the ongoing sustainability and viability of the creative arts in Aotearoa.
“It’s critical that the Government once again empowers Creative NZ to provide support to our artists to ensure that the industry isn’t decimated by the impacts of COVID-19.” says Auckland Pride Executive Director, Max Tweedie. “While we support the need for increased restrictions in response to the Delta variant, the Government must ensure the burden doesn’t fall on our artists.”