Hana Burgess
Hana Burgess
Hana Burgess
Hana Burgess
Hana Burgess
Hana Burgess
Hana Burgess
Hana Burgess
Hana Burgess
Hana Burgess

Artist bio
Hana Burgess aka @hmmpaua (Ngāpuhi, Te Roroa, Te Ātihaunui a Pāpārangi, Ngāti Tūwharetoa) (she/her) is a kaupapa Māori researcher, teacher, and artist.
Grounded in whakapapa, her work explores Māori futurisms, envisioning how we can be in good relation with our mokopuna and tūpuna, beyond the confines of colonial conceptions of what it means to be. Hana’s work for Te Tīmatanga can be found in Britomart.
Infinite Formations was created as an A5 zine for my love, Haylee Koroi. It is an exploration of love. Love that expands into and through my love for my whānau, my friends, and my communities. Love that extends from ngā atua, to our more than human relations - our moana, our awa, our maunga - our tuākana. Love that is rooted in whakapapa, in our pasts and futures, infinitely cascading from each of us.