Tyson Campbell
Tyson Campbell
Tyson Campbell
Tyson Campbell
Tyson Campbell
Tyson Campbell
Tyson Campbell
Tyson Campbell
Tyson Campbell
Tyson Campbell

Artist bio
"For the past four years, Tyson Campbell (Te Rarawa, Ngāti Maniapoto, Pākeha) has worked as an artist, writer, community facilitator and independent curator based in Naarm (Melbourne) and Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland). Over the last three years, through his involvement with Blak Dot Gallery, TCB art inc., and Artspace Aotearoa, Tyson has developed an emerging practice that centres contemporary Indigenous production.
Tyson is currently working towards developing Indigenous onto-epistemologies to initiate change within institutional structures; allowing for culturally grounded and communitarian ways of knowing – conversational, celebratory, and respectful kanohi-kitea (face-to-face relations) to open possibility within the indigene-coloniser hyphen. Furthermore, Tyson is also interested in cultural mechanisms that move us away from the polarised dichotomy of Indigeneity and representation as a determining ideology in contemporary art discourse.